Welcome Reception - Movieworld

Sunday 6 April 6.30pm to 9.30pm

Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

The Welcome Reception for AMPEAK25 will be held in the brand new Wizard of Oz Precinct at Movieworld!
Keep an eye out for some well known visitors and enjoy food and beverage in the green glow of Emerald City.

Bus transfers will be provided from The Star. Partner and children tickets are available for purchase during registration.

Networking Drinks

Monday 7 April

Networking drinks will be held in the exhibition area at the close of the days sessions.

Conference Dinner

Tuesday 8 April

This years dinner and awards ceremony will be held in at The Star.

Pre Dinner Drinks commence at 7.00pm, with guests seated promptly at 7.30pm.

For guests wantign to purchase tickets for the DINNER ONLY (not conference registration), please use the link below
Buy Dinner Tickets