Cyberthreats - making sure a bad day isn’t your worst day
Rachel Noble is the former Director General of the Australian Signals Directorate, Australia’s signals intelligence and cybersecurity agency. Rachel held this role for five years prior to which she was the head of ASD’s Australian Cyber Security Centre.
Prior to ASD, Rachel was the Deputy Secretary Executive Group in the Department of Home Affairs responsible for enterprise strategy, risk, assurance, security and ministerial, media and intelligenc eservices. Rachel led the Portfolio’s Home Affairs Implementation Team to standup the Home Affairs Portfolio in 2017.
In 2014, Rachel was promoted to Deputy Secretary Policy Group in the Department of Immigration and Border Protection which included responsibility for trade, customs, immigration and international policy. Rachel joined the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service(ACBPS) in May 2013 as the National Director Intelligence and Chief Information Officer. Her previous role was as First Assistant Secretary Ministerial and Executive Coordination and Communication, at the Department of Defence.
Prior to rejoining Defence, Rachel was the National Security Chief Information Officer and Cyber Policy Coordinator in Prime Minister and Cabinet, responsible for improving information sharing among the national security community and coordinating whole of government policy on cyber issues. Rachel received a Public Service Medal for this work. Rachel previously held several SES positions in the Department of Defence including Assistant Secretary Governance, responsible for the overall governance and assurance framework for Defence; Assistant Secretary Americas, North and South Asia, Europe in the International Policy Division, and Deputy Chief of Facility at the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap.
Rachel has also worked for the Bureau of Meteorology on international policies to address global climate change and started her career in private industry working for Optus. Rachel has a Masters of Business Administration in Technology Management and a Bachelor of Science with Honours.